2024-2025 QMB Boosters
"Remember parents, once your child becomes a member of the Quaker Marching Band, you are a QMB Booster Member!"

Executive Board:
President..................................Alesha Caselli presidentquakermarchingband@gmail.com
Vice President..........................Jason Wabick jasonwabick@gmail.com
Treasurer..................................Jessica Merry treasurerqmb@gmail.com
Recording Secretary.................Natalie Recktenwalt
Corresponding Secretary.........Heather Kasprowicz qmbcorrespondingsecretary@gmail.com
Uniforms....................................Renee Wall & Colleen Chapo
Props/Pit/Transportation...........Dominic Caselli, Russ Faust & Petra Novak
Color Guard................................Donna Leigh
Advisory Board:
Medical...............................Dana Fauth
Chaperone..........................Rebecca Gourlay
Alumni................................Jamie Wintringer
QMB Photography.............. Michelle Faust qmbphotographers@gmail.com
Public Relations..................Michelle Faust qmbpublicrelations@gmail.com

Each parent that volunteers needs to complete the District Volunteer form.
Anyone who has never completed the volunteer "program" needs to read through the slide show,
Complete the form by clicking the link at the bottom.
If you have already done this in the past, you still need to scroll to the bottom and click the link to complete the annual acknowledgement form.